Thursday, April 28, 2011

Turf Care in Tune with the Environment

Humate International - Turf Care in Tune with the Environment
The advent of synthetic fertilizers and
pesticides and the growth of the oil-based
economy over the past 50 to 60 years have
changed the way we manage our biosphere.
This has had certain positive effects such
as significant increases in food production,
but has had a definite negative impact on
our soils. Fortunately, some organizations
have recognized the need to restore our
soils and to reduce the need for these oilbased
products. Humate International has
been a leader in this effort for more than two
decades based upon its unique, high-energyHUMATE material. At Humate International,
they have demonstrated that a relatively easy
adjustment to what has become the accepted
way to care for golf courses over the past

20 to 30 years improves the condition of golf
courses and reduces the cost of golf course
Nature prefers a complex ecosystem with
a high level of organic matter, wide variety
of plant species, and complex interactions
in the soil to encourage the development of
a broad-based, active, balanced microbial
population and a self-sustaining ecosystem.
Golf courses, on the other hand, are
characterized by a single plant species,
unnatural, short mowing heights, and soil
compaction. The programs recommended by
Humate International include their granular
and liquid HUMATE organics, their ecofriendly
granular and liquid nutrients, and their
BIOSYST microbial products. HUMATE is
the organic base and the BIOSYST products
provide a broad-spectrum of microorganisms
with all the capabilities required in the soil and
the enzymes, micro- and macro-nutrients,
polymers, and vitamins to support these and
the native microbial populations. The results
are (1) a properly balanced and efficient
soil ecosystem with extremely effective
organic materials interacting with a diverse,
active microbial population and (2) healthier,

stress-resistant plants with deeper and moremassive root systems.
This Nature-friendly biosphere:
• Efficiently utilizes available nutrient sources
• Increases resistance to pathogens and
other stresses
• Reduces pressure from insects
• Breaks down soil toxins and toxic residues
• Decreases fertilizer, pesticide, and water
The Humate International approach has been
proved and used successfully…in Europe
where the use of fungicides is severely
restricted…in California where a major city
has been on
a program toeliminate the use
of fungicides on
its golf courses…
in the southeast
U.S where some
golf courses have
improved the
quality of their turf without the
use of fungicides.
Two replicated
turfgrass research
projects directed
by Dr. Alan
Gange of The
Royal Holloway
School of
Sciences at
The University
of London
in bacterial
counts and
root biomass.
The second of
these, a 10-month
study, measured the effects of HUMATE when
used alone, the BIOSYST microbes alone,
and the combined HUMATE + BIOSYST
program compared with the standard protocol.
The combined program proved, by far, to give
the best results; bacterial counts more than
doubled in the first month and root biomass
more than doubled within three monthsas shown in the two graphs (a separate
write-up on the research
is available upon request).
These improvements were
maintained throughout the
study. In his summary, Dr.
Gange reported…“One
remarkable effect…is the
relatively rapid nature of
the response obtained.”
And…“Another important
aspect of this data is that the
effect seen was sustainable.”
Also…“It appears that
these may work through
the winter, thus providing
an excellent base for good
plant growth in the spring.” And lastly…“The
recommendation is that both HUMATE and
BIOSYST should be applied because this
method is the complete approach.”
At Humate International, they have developed
a reputation for products of the highest
quality and performance. Their products
are made using
natural materials
in formulations
that are not
only extremely
effective, but also
friendly. The most
popular Humate
programs include
granular and
liquid products,
and the
These programs
are particularly
effective in
activity and
pressure from
diseases and
insects. The
products and
from Humate
International offer
superintendents the opportunity to improve
their soils, replace petroleum-based products,
reduce nutrient, fungicide, and water inputs,
and to grow healthier, stress-resistant plants
at lower cost.
Greens with and without HUMATE
Sod grown on sand with granular Humate

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